Saint Germain gave violet flame benefits for you to change, for self-transformation. The violet flame is the gift of the Holy Spirit under the sponsorship of Saint Germain.
St.Germain tells us:
First and foremost, then, unto those who are the disciples of the living Light a planetary home must be a springboard to spiritual victory. Since that victory is always won in world service, we quickly turn your attention to those endeavors of greatest need, which when you engage in them do accrue to you as the greatest good karma that you can earn in your time.
How Violet Flame Decrees Act on You – Violet Flame Benefits
Saint Germain continues:
I should bring to you in this hour a report as to the results of the use of my violet flame cassettes (CDs) by one and by the many. Blessed ones, first and foremost the greatest good has come to the individual supplicant himself. Therefore, to those who have so loved this ritual there has been an increase of transmutation. And I have seen to it, as you count me as your Master and Friend, that that violet flame that you have invoked has been directed into the most resistant and recalcitrant pockets of your own subconscious, especially into those conditions which you have been the most desirous to have removed.
Therefore, in some of you a hearty amount of karma has been balanced, in others hardness of heart has truly melted around the heart chakra. There has come a new love and a new softening, a new compassion, a new sensitivity to life, a new freedom and a new joy in pursuing that freedom. There has come about a holiness as you have contacted through my flame the priesthood of the Order of Melchizedek. There has come a melting and dissolving of certain momentums of ignorance and mental density and a turning toward a dietary path more conducive to your own God-mastery.
Saint Germain On Alchemy Part 1 – Elizabeth Clare Prophet
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