KEY to Spiritual Acceleration…

About the Violet Flame


Use Violet Flame to Transform Negative into
Positive Energy

  • Feeling Burdened by Life?
  • Want more energy?
  • Need help with a specific problem?
  • Need healing from a physical problem?
  • Weighed down by negativity?
  • Loose your temper and then regret it?

The violet flame is a gift from Saint Germain.

You are a great spiritual being
who is having a physical experience on earth. . .

Caught up in a materialistic, worldly consciousness,
you might find yourself burdened
by wrong choices you make
walking your path of life. . .

What can you do?

There is a solution -

It is an easy one. . .

But it’s up to you to make a difference in your life. . .

The Violet Flame is
A Spiritual Flame

. . .an invisible spiritual energy created
when you
invoke the violet flame
using decrees and mantras. . .

You will notice a spiritual and physical difference
when you regularly give
violet flame prayers, mantras and decrees. . .

TRY IT!!! Learn more...



How to Use the Violet Flame Daily










Experience giving the violet flame mantra: “I AM a Being of Violet Fire, I AM the Purity God Desires.” Elizabeth Clare Prophet shows you how to use the violet flame to transform yourself and the world around…

From the Blog...
