KEY to Spiritual Acceleration…

About the Violet Flame
Use Violet Flame to Transform Negative into
Positive Energy
- Feeling Burdened by Life?
- Want more energy?
- Need help with a specific problem?
- Need healing from a physical problem?
- Weighed down by negativity?
- Loose your temper and then regret it?
The violet flame is a gift from Saint Germain.
You are a great spiritual being
who is having a physical experience on earth. . .
Caught up in a materialistic, worldly consciousness,
you might find yourself burdened
by wrong choices you make
walking your path of life. . .
What can you do?
There is a solution -
It is an easy one. . .
But it’s up to you to make a difference in your life. . .
The Violet Flame is
A Spiritual Flame
. . .an invisible spiritual energy created
when you
invoke the violet flame
using decrees and mantras. . .
You will notice a spiritual and physical difference
when you regularly give
violet flame prayers, mantras and decrees. . .
TRY IT!!! Learn more...
How to Use the Violet Flame Daily
Experience giving the violet flame mantra: “I AM a Being of Violet Fire, I AM the Purity God Desires.” Elizabeth Clare Prophet shows you how to use the violet flame to transform yourself and the world around…
From the Blog...

Keys to Understanding What is Karma – part 2
What is Returning Karma Returning Karma - Why It Happens, What to Do About It Understanding What is karma. . . It is All energy, thoughts, and feelings going forth from you and me. All The energy...

Invoking Violet Flame – Unfold Higher Self
Greetings everyone! It is a joy to be sharing how invoking violet flame creates change in your life. This is an opportunity to share A Spiritual Key which has brought thousands great happiness. . ....

Create Violet Flame Action using Decrees
How to increase your energy, to attune with your higher self and maintain your harmony . . . When you create violet flame action in your life You will increase your harmony. . . Harmony is balance...