Violet Flame for Healing and Change
The quickest way for violet flame healing to flush out disease is to apply the transforming light of the Violet Flame. The violet flame is the instrument of your personal Holy Spirit.
The Spirit of the Lord is the agent of God’s healing, while the sacred fire is the agency. When you make heart contact with the Holy Spirit, by purest love you tap the source of the sacred fire of God.
Through his Holy Spirit, God releases his great love as the energy of change, as the flow of God’s unfailing mercy and forgiveness.
When you give violet flame mantras and decrees with joy and faith, the alchemical action of the violet flame as the ‘universal solvent’ is dissolving all physical imperfections and impurities from the conscious and subconscious planes of your being.
The healing of all hardness of heart must happen before physical healing and wholeness can take place, and requires the unconditional surrender of your soul to your beloved Christ Self, your Higher Self.
Healing is a letting go process. Do it every day as you bid the Lord welcome into your heart. Every day give of yourself to someone who needs your love.
As you flush out toxins of ingratitude toward life and rebellion against the law of universal harmony, let your heart burst forth in these cadences of joyous communion:
O mighty Presence of God, I AM, in and behind the Sun:
I welcome thy Light, which floods all the earth,
into my life, into my mind, into my spirit, into my soul.
Radiate and blaze forth thy Light!
Break the bonds of darkness and superstition!
Charge me with the great clearness
of thy white fire radiance!
I am thy child, and each day I shall become
more of thy manifestation!
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