What is Returning Karma Returning Karma – Why It Happens, What to Do About It Understanding What is karma. . . It is All energy, thoughts, and feelings going forth from you and me. All The energy you send out follows. . . The Law of the Circle What is the law of...
What is Karma? Karma is the universal Law of cause and effect. The Bible says: “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” (Gal. 6:7.) The Mahabharata, one of the great Sanskrit epics of the Hindus, states: “Just as a...
How to increase your energy, to attune with your higher self and maintain your harmony . . . When you create violet flame action in your life You will increase your harmony. . . Harmony is balance over all things. Keeping your harmony means you have greater and...
Use the science of the spoken word. Give this short violet flame decrees: “I AM a being of Violet Fire I AM the purity God desires.” The magic of the violet flame is how it changes you. As you change, your world changes. You get more light and energy flowing into your...
Greetings everyone! It is a joy to be sharing how invoking violet flame creates change in your life. This is an opportunity to share A Spiritual Key which has brought thousands great happiness. . . I look forward to experiencing with you the joyful energy of the...
Violet Flame Prayer to Free Energy For the fiat of Almighty God has gone forth, and it is cosmic law: The call compels the answer! But the call is a very special call. . . It is the command of your Real Self, your own true being, the mediator between the I AM Presence...
Have you ever felt unable to move forward because you keep going over and over a scene in your head? You had an argument with someone you love, or someone said very harsh words to you which left you feeling bereft. And that situation is repeating in your head…....
The Violet Flame can Penetrate Matter and Transform It! You begin to transform using violet flame when you give violet flame decrees. This wonderful spiritual flame has the power to transmute, transform and change negative energy at physical, mental, emotional and...
Alchemy of the Violet Flame Use it to Balance Your Karma You are a powerful spiritual being and you can vastly improve your circumstances. Karma affects you every day. Karma is the law of cause and effect. This universal law of returning karma is a law of Love. The...
What is Forgiveness? The violet flame from Saint Germain is a forgiving flame. Forgiveness is not always easy, but without forgiveness you cannot make spiritual progress. When you forgive, you reestablish your oneness with your Higher Self. You free yourself from...